- 问题:给定一个字符串,求出里面出现次数最多的字符。
- 输入:字符串
- 输出:{[字符]:[出现次数],…}
- 举例:输入:
'hello world'
1 | function getMostAppear(str){ |
1 | function getMostAppear(str){ |
'hello world'
1 | function getMostAppear(str){ |
1 | function getMostAppear(str){ |
var gulp = require('gulp');
var minifyCss = require('gulp-minify-css');
gulp.task('minify-css', function() {
return gulp.src('styles/*.css')
.pipe(minifyCss({compatibility: 'ie8'}))
运行gulp minify-css命令
跳转到:gulp.src | gulp.dest | gulp.task |gulp.watch
Emits files matching provided glob or an array of globs. Returns a stream of Vinyl files that can be piped to plugins.
gulp.src('client/js/**/*.js') // Matches 'client/js/somedir/somefile.js' and resolves `base` to `client/js/`
.pipe(gulp.dest('build')); // Writes 'build/somedir/somefile.js'
gulp.src('client/js/**/*.js', { base: 'client' })
.pipe(gulp.dest('build')); // Writes 'build/js/somedir/somefile.js'
Can be piped to and it will write files. Re-emits all data passed to it so you can pipe to multiple folders. Folders that don’t exist will be created.
Define a task using Orchestrator.
gulp.task('somename', function() {
// Do stuff
An array of tasks to be executed and completed before your task will run.
gulp.task('mytask', ['array', 'of', 'task', 'names'], function() {
// Do stuff
You can also omit the function if you only want to run the dependency tasks:
gulp.task('build', ['array', 'of', 'task', 'names']);
Accept a callback
// run a command in a shell
var exec = require('child_process').exec;
gulp.task('jekyll', function(cb) {
// build Jekyll
exec('jekyll build', function(err) {
if (err) return cb(err); // return error
cb(); // finished task
Return a stream
gulp.task('somename', function() {
var stream = gulp.src('client/**/*.js')
return stream;
Return a promise
var Q = require('q');
gulp.task('somename', function() {
var deferred = Q.defer();
// do async stuff
setTimeout(function() {
}, 1);
return deferred.promise;
var gulp = require('gulp');
// takes in a callback so the engine knows when it'll be done
gulp.task('one', function(cb) {
// do stuff -- async or otherwise
cb(err); // if err is not null and not undefined, the run will stop, and note that it failed
// identifies a dependent task must be complete before this one begins
gulp.task('two', ['one'], function() {
// task 'one' is done now
gulp.task('default', ['one', 'two']);
Watch files and do something when a file changes. This always returns an EventEmitter that emits change events.
Names of task(s) to run when a file changes, added with gulp.task()
var watcher = gulp.watch('js/**/*.js', ['uglify','reload']);
watcher.on('change', function(event) {
console.log('File ' + event.path + ' was ' + event.type + ', running tasks...');